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Al iKon Entertainment

Making the world a better place,

one story at a time



Millicent Brandon-Porter

Day and night she continues to provide the world with information on how to better themselves and in natural ways. When entertainment is flooding the world with pharmaceutical drugs, she’s making it her mission to combat these tactics. From serious illnesses to more broad topics such as acne, she covers the entire human body experience. I have not had the pleasure to meet her, but have spoken with her on a number of occasions for advice and she has always shocks me with ground breaking information. You’ve heard of Dr. Sebi and now it is a pleasure to introduce you all to the one and only Millicent Brandon-Porter.


Tell us a little about you. Where you’re from and where you were raised. Also, what was family life like when you were a child?


I was born and raised in Akron, OH. (I know right!) I am the oldest of 7 siblings. I always had a leading spirit. Being the oldest of 7 I’ve been through my fair share of trials and tests. It made me such a strong leader and provided me with the patience for what I do now. Growing up with 5 girls in the house was a little chaotic but we had some very good moments as well.

What inspired you to become so invested in the holistic health field, and how do you balance this role with the great role as a mother?


What inspired me to become invested in the holistic health field is my oldest son, Chanse. He was born with a condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (which causes him to break his bones easily). Being a mother and wanting to do anything for your child and hearing doctors say there’s no cure was devastating. So, I decided to take matters in my own hands! I balance it because he is the reason I started. Sometimes I look at my children and I think if it weren’t for them, I don’t know what I’d be doing or where I’d be in my life right now. I teach them what I know and hopefully build them up to be the next generation of healers.

How has your approach to healthcare been influenced by your own experiences and community?

My approach to healthcare has been influenced by my family, learning through them and our experiences with different herbs and natural remedies. Also, while building relationships with other people and trying new approaches to healthy eating. There is always time for growth and improvement. We are forever learning and implementing things knowingly and unknowingly into our lives.




Can you discuss the challenges mothers in our community face in accessing quality healthcare and how you aim to increase representation and support for mothers in the holistic health community?


Some challenges mothers in our community face in accessing quality healthcare is prescriptions for symptoms and not getting to the root cause of certain problems, and malpractice in the healthcare field because of skin color or ethnicity.


These issues are huge, and we need a community to come together and support one another in order for this to change. It starts with not being afraid to think outside of the box “they” put you in and doing your due diligence about what is safe for you and your family. As the woman you hold the responsibility of your family’s health, you are the nourisher!


I plan on showing up and giving free information that can help shift the way people think about self-healing and alternative medicine. All the while building a strong community to help and encourage one another along this journey.



How do you use your platform to motivate and educate others on holistic health and wellness practices?


I use my platform to help people by giving everyone a second choice. Helping them understand that you don’t have to take pharmaceuticals when you’re experiencing symptoms, and that herbs can help in the same way. Getting to the root cause of dis-eases in the body so that the symptoms don’t happen in the first place! Also showing people the importance of detoxing and why your body is the most important thing you can invest in. Education is vital and implementation is necessary. That is if you wish to see results in your life. But I assure you, it’s worth it.



Can you share your favorite plant based recipe for families and how they promote health and sustainability?


One of my favorite plant-based recipes that’s simple would be the Vegan Snickers. It includes dates, nut butter (or peanut butter), peanuts (or any nuts) and dark chocolate. It’s extremely simple! Just split the dates and remove the seed. Add in your nut butter and a little bit of chopped nuts. Warm up your dark chocolate on the stove and dip in the dates. Sprinkle more nuts on top and let chill in the fridge or keep on the counter for a few hours if you like at room temperature. Super simple and tastes amazing! Way less sugar and processed ingredients. I have plenty more but for the sake of the interview ill stop there!



[Change direction] Now this next section is one our favorites among the interviewees, which is intended to be fun.

#1 herb you use most? 


The herb I use the most would be elderberries! I use this to make homemade elderberry syrup (my family takes shots every morning). I also use it as a tea to upkeep the immune system and provide the body with vital antioxidants!

If you had the choice of one super power, which would it be?


A superpower I’d like to have is to be able to read people’s minds whenever I want. I think having this superpower Id know exactly how people feel about themselves and the world around them, ill be able to help them even more than I can now because I’ll have information that they didn’t deem necessary to divulge.


Favorite book?


One of my favorite books would be “What to say when you talk to yourself” This book was recommended to me, and it’s a life changer! It helps you rewire your mind and rethink how you were raised and how to build a new paradigm. We must understand that there are two reasons for us to change a habit in our lives. 1. A devastating event to occur. 2. Making the decision to shift our mindset. Unfortunately too many of us are waiting for that bad news in order to change our lives for the better. This book will help you understand the way your mind works and ultimately shift your life.

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Explain Those Pictures!


The family is out getting some much-needed vitamins from the sun! Enjoying nature and bonding. While understanding the importance of exploring, whiling being goofy lolg

Is the first time I did a pop up on the corner outside of Walmart! It was an amazing day! It was different than what I normally do but everyone loved it! I even met people that I still talk to this day from this pop up!



[Change in direction] So let’s dive back into some more in-depth questions about some of your successes and goals.




Can you share some of your successful business ventures and what lessons you learned along the way?


One successful business venture is Alkahlivin! This business has been through it all and has grown with me every step of the way. Herbs were a great addition to Alkahlivin. People love the diversity and what they help with, plus it keeps them away from having to buy pharmaceutical medicine! Also, the education and what you’ll learn when you tune into my page is helpful to a lot of different people and walks of life. But it helped me learn and understand what people need and want, how to connect to people in different ways because everyone is different and even having a different outlook on things I thought I knew. It’s a continuous learning adventure that will only get better!


Can you share some of your favorite holistic health practices and how they promote overall well-being?


One of my favorite holistic health practices is DETOXING! I can’t explain how important it is to detox! I’m always telling people no matter what diet you indulge in, make sure you take the time to give your body the rest it deserves! By detoxing alone, you can lose weight, cut cravings for unhealthy foods, cleanse the digestive tract, help remove built up feces in the rectum and even lift your mood and improve sleep! It’s so many benefits from detoxing, I encourage everyone to detox at least for 3-5 days once a month for the best results!

How does your approach to motherhood inform your work in holistic health, and what benefits have you seen for both yourself and your children?

My approach to motherhood informs my work in holistic health just by being a living example of what it is I teach. When people see value in your work and your knowledge, and they see you and your family living the way you teach it show them that it can be done. NO, weren’t not perfect! But we’re aware and striving to make a difference. Once you get to that point then, you’ll truly be able to heal and start ‘your’ journey. My family has benefited tremendously! When/If we get a cold, it doesn’t last long, their bodies are able to fight it off much faster now. They are homeschooled as well, and they are extremely smart and creative.


What advice do you have for aspiring black mothers interested in holistic health, and how do you recommend they navigate and support the community?


The advice I have for black/brown inspiring mothers that’s interested in holistic health is to just remain optimistic and continue to do your due diligence. Entering the holistic health field can be scary when having to try new things, especially with our children! Just take it one step at a time and remember that you will get better with time, as you continue to explore remedies and learn about you and your child’s body. I recommend they join a support group that is open to answering questions and learning together. It’s always better to have people alongside you as you take that step towards healthier “livin”. Definitely check out my mentorship!



To date, what has been your most memorable accomplishment? How do you want to be remembered?

So far, my most memorable accomplishment has been being a mother and a wife. To have the honor of raising all boys along with my husband and guiding them through life, leaving pieces of me in each and every one of my sons memories and growing a legacy to pass down to them is what I want to be remember for. I wouldn’t be able to do that without my husband. I am definitely blessed.

[Wrap up] In conclusion, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Millicent Brandon-Porter for taking the time to provide us with such an insightful and informative interview. Her willingness to share her expertise and experience has provided our audience with a deeper understanding of the topic and has been greatly appreciated. We are honored to have had the opportunity to speak with her, and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Once again, thank you, Millicent, for your contribution to this interview. And here at Al iKon Entertainment we support that and it’s an honor to be able to celebrate such people as yourself. So if you ever have something new going on let us know and we’ll help promote it in any way we can.

Before we go do you have anything else you would like to share with the people? Any events, specials, products, etc..?


Alkahlivin Academy just launched, and I would love for you all to go check it out at! Membership is affordable and you will learn a ton of information! I know in this day and age everyone wants to learn everything on their own and start their own businesses! (Which I’m not knockin`!) But it’s super important to build, share and hold each other accountable and that’s why I’ve decided to build this community! To help us all come together, learn & make it fun and not daunting! We even have retreats coming soon to give you an opportunity to witness holistic health at its finest!


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read about me and get to know me more.

I appreciate you!


Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to showcase me and what I do on your platform.

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