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Al iKon Entertainment

Making the world a better place,

one story at a time



Ivory Douglas Levert - Plant The Power

She holds one of the highest titles in this world and along with this role she has embarked on several self improving initiatives to transform her life to higher frequencies. As a result, she has begun teaching and giving to others the information she has accumulated throughout her journey. Education that is now transforming our communities into healthier and more viable societies. She incorporates healthier eating and fun physical activity in the form of yoga, with an environment of vibrational self love, to create a recipe for change. It is a pleasure to introduce you all to the one and only Ivory Douglas Levert.


Tell us a little about you. Where you’re from and where you were raised. Also, what was family life like when you were a child?

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”

- Maya Angelou

This quote from Maya Angelou has been an inspiration and a guide for my life for many years now. It has impacted the way I show up for myself and for others as a mother, wife, sister, friend, entrepreneur, daughter, advocate, yogi, wellness educator and so much more. I grew up in a small rural town called Rockdale, TX with a population of around 5k people and everybody knew everybody. While in many ways, my small town upbringing nurtured my warm, friendly spirit it also cultivated my activist heart and ability to see and empathize with others. Growing up where “Whiteness” was the dominant culture, even through my popularity, I struggled growing up with feeling like I was “enough” from hearing so many microaggressions about being “pretty for a dark skinned girl”. I’m grateful for a close knit family as the youngest of three (two older sisters), I always had somewhere to come home and feel rooted in my being. As a kid, I was involved with all the things (lol), just as I am now. I loved reading, I was heavily involved with my church, active in many community service organizations, and was a multi-sport athlete (basketball, volleyball, track and cheerleading). My upbringing grounded me in family, service, commitment and imagination.


What inspired you to become plant based, a yoga instructor, and how do you balance these roles with the role of being a mother as well?

I was initially inspired to become plant-based in the hopes of being proactive about my personal health and well-being. I grew observing many of my family members struggle with many health challenges such as diabetes, heart conditions, cancers and more. I wanted to be intentional about putting my best foot forward to live a more full life myself and future family. While this was my initial reason for exploring this lifestyle, after doing some research into what veganism is really all about I decided to become plant-based vegan not only for my own health, but to also positively contribute to environmental justice and show care to the plants and animals we share this Earth with.

I found yoga in a time where I felt very disconnected to myself and to the space I wanted to take up in the world. I began a consistent yoga practice in 2018 and the holistic impact it has had on my life has been transformative. The busyness of our society often does not allow folks the space to slow down and connect with oneself, especially if you identify as a person of color. I wanted to contribute to shifting the culture and helping folks experience mindfulness in their everyday life in the same way I had so I went through my teacher training in 2019 and have been teaching ever since!

Balancing these roles is 100% a constant juggling act. As my daughter grows and evolves, so do many of my plans. Balance for me as a mother means making plans but not being too attached to them. Being present with and for my daughter will always be a top priority and whenever I start to feel like I am stretched too thin to support her how she needs it, I look at ways to pull back or adjust my schedule.


How has your approach to parenting been influenced by your plant based lifestyle and yoga practice?

So many ways. Yoga, for me, has been all about honoring the needs of the mind + body. Knowing when to invite challenge and when to seek rest and making space for everyday mindfulness. This practice has not only taught me to be more patient with myself in how I parent but to also give more patience to my daughter. While we do still monitor some age milestones, we really try to let her take the lead and not cling to what she “should” be doing at a certain age. For example, we practiced a baby-led weaning approach with food that essentially lets your baby take the lead on how much/little they eat trusting that they come into this world knowing when they have had enough. Occasionally, we still have to do some monitoring and encouraging with food but I think it has really made feeding a very smooth process. Zamya loves food and will try almost anything which is not always common for littles.

With that being said, we are also raising her to be plant-based vegan. I’m sure this may come with some challenges as she gets older but for now she seems to love it!


Can you discuss the challenges mothers in our community face and how you aim to increase representation and support for mothers in the plant based and yoga communities?

I could probably write a separate blog for the extensive challenges mothers face today, especially Black mothers. But of course, for this purpose I will keep it short. Challenges that come to mind include lack of family/partner support, lack of career support, financial challenges, lack of community (village) support which can all lead to feelings of isolation and postpartum depression and/or anxiety.

However families choose to feed their babies (breastfeeding and/or formula feeding), the first few months are simply exhausting and it is so important that mothers get the proper nutrition and rest they need. I am currently in the process of developing yoga series for prenatal, postnatal and family yoga sessions. These series will help new parents build community and be provided with some tools to better care for their bodies during these transitions. Although I am not an expert of nutrition, I do hope to also share some helpful resources and recipes around plant-based living for the mothers and families who are interested in exploring this lifestyle.

How do you incorporate elements of nutrition, wellness, and self-care into your parenting approach and family lifestyle?

Zamya is still pretty young, but in general, I just try to expose and involve her in the things that I’m doing with hopes that when she is able to understand and interpret these practices, she will be able to reap the benefits herself as well. So far, she has taught a yoga classes with me and observed me during my own home practice. I also made it a point to get her outdoors in nature for my daily walks in the warmer months. Regarding nutrition, she eats what we (me and the hubby) eat, which is all vegan. I have also been even more intentional about trying to make sure that her meals are balanced and nutritional than I have historically been with our meals. Being vegan does not always equal healthy. We want to build her foundation as healthy as possible.


How does your yoga practices inform your approach to motherhood, and what benefits have you seen for both yourself and your child?

I believe my yoga practice from a physical sense made my pregnancy, birth and postpartum run fairly smoothly meaning that my body was able to heal and recover within a few weeks postpartum. The breath practices that I learned during pregnancy were also instrumental to me staying calm and present during my unmedicated hospital birth.

[Change in direction] Now this section is to get away from the more serious questions, intended to be fun so let’s dive in.


Food you miss the most?

Chicken Wings

Two words that describe you most?

Kind & Passionate

Favorite book?

All About Love by Bell Hooks

Explain Those Pictures!


These are my two older sisters Ebony and Katheren. My older cousin hand-made these outfits for us. I don’t remember much else about when and why we took these photos lol.



This was the day I got engaged to my husband, Ernest Levert Jr.! This was one of the best surprises of my life. He proposed to me in Austin, TX at one of my favorite nature spaces while the sun was setting. Both of our families were there and I had no idea he was planning this. It was perfect.




So let’s dive back into some more in-depth questions about some of your successes and goals.


Can you discuss any initiatives, programs or companies you’re involved in that supports your goals and increases diversity in the parenting and vegan communities?

There are many, but I’ll share a two that stand out:

Replenish - The Yoga Carriage: This is where I currently teach weekly yoga classes and where I planning some upcoming pre/postnatal yoga sessions. The space is Black woman owned and consists of two daughters and their mother. I have learned so much from them in how they truly live their mission of making “yoga a part of everyday life” amidst they chaos of business of mothering young children. I’m super grateful to be in community with them.

Another local community I would like to shoutout is Local Matters. They are not a fully vegan space but they engage in a lot of meaningful work around food justice and advocacy to healthy foods. They also host workshops for youth and adults around food nutrition and teach cooking classes. We (Plant The Power) partnered with them in January for a cooking class and we all had soooo much fun and really learned a lot! We definitely hope to continue working with them in the future.


What advice do you have for aspiring black vegan mothers, and how do you recommend they navigate and support the community?

Be patient with yourself. Perfect doesn’t exist. Make space to build community support with like minded individuals virtually and/or in-person.


How do you envision the future of black vegan motherhood and yoga, and what role can the broader community play in supporting this vision?

I envision this lifestyle being more normalized and welcomed. The broader community can advocate for parental and maternal rights that give new parents the access and support they need to care for themselves and their families holistically throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum.


To date, what has been your most memorable accomplishment? How do you want to be remembered?

I am most proud of the work I’ve done to show love and care for myself as I have evolved over the years. That intention has greatly impacted my ability to show up in all other aspects of my life.


I just want to say thank you for providing such a great interview with your responses. This will be one of the first interviews to be published in some time for our company and it means the world. I hope you enjoyed the questions and know that our main goal is to highlight heroes in our community. Here at Al iKon Entertainment we wish you more success. There are not a lot of young women in the world showcasing positive initiatives and we want to salute you and encourage you to spread the bug. Thank you for sharing and supporting our cause, and anytime you have something new let us know and we’ll help promote it in any way we can.


Before we go, do you have anything else you would like to share with the people, any new projects, news or collabs?

Not much that I haven’t already shared! You can stay connected with me on the gram through the following platforms:




  • Personal Website
  • Instagram


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