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Al iKon Community



Let's talk it out,

before we act it out!

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You don't have to hide here!

Community Rules

1. Respect Everyone's Privacy

Mental Health can be sensitive and private. What is shared in this group stays in this group. No exceptions. Please refrain from contacting others outside of the forums. We should all feel safe in this community.

If you see or hear something that breaks this rule please report it.

2. No Profanity Or Verbal Assaults

Filters have been put into place to help stop this from happening, but it will take the community as a whole to prevent it. We are here to help, encourage, up lift, inspire and listen  to those who need an ear. 

If you see or hear something that breaks this rule please report it.
3. No Promoting or Spam

Give more to this community and everyone in it than you take. Self promoting and irrelevant links will be taken down, unless they promote Mental Health and benefits the community. We support getting help from professional, because we are not, we are only a community that looks out for each other. WE ARE NOT PROFESSIONALS.

If you see or hear something that breaks this rule please report it.

4. Be Kind and Courteous

We are a community first, so we are on this journey together. Let's treat everyone with respect, especially when you have a different opinion of anyone else in the community. We all come from different backgrounds and have different views, which allows us to all learn and grow TOGETHER.  

If you see or hear something that breaks this rule please report it.

5. No Judgement

NO JUDGEMENT, NO JUDGEMENT, NO JUDGEMENT!!! If you don't agree or understand any part of a conversation, either ask questions, do personal research or simply observe the conversation. Remember we are a community and sometimes it's better to listen first and speak second.

If you see or hear something that breaks this rule please report it.

Want to be a moderator? Please contact us at

Suicide Hotline


Want to speak with us privately and share your moment of #alikon4all, reach out to us using the forum below! We're waiting with open ears!

Thanks! Message sent.

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